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Our Impact
Supporting every child to thrive as the best versions of themselves
For 16 years and counting, children and their voices are central to what we do at Playeum. Children have the right for their voices to be heard, valued, and acted upon. We recognise that play is the most natural language for children to explore, create, and lead. Hence, we leverage the transformative power of play to create opportunities for children, especially the most vulnerable and underserved, to participate fully in communities - eventually for their ideas and opinions to influence and shape society.
Today, we have evolved to see that we and our children are now entering a very different future. Our journey continues to be shaped by a deep belief: that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive. In a world that’s changing at an unprecedented pace, we must create space for and nurture our children to navigate and lead in this new landscape.
We empower communities around the child.

We collaborate with schools, self-help groups, and social service agencies to uplift children 12 years old and under from challenging backgrounds and with diverse abilities through play and the arts. We recognise that adults play a pivotal role in sustained positive caregiving and guidance for these children. Hence, working with their adults is key to our impact.
Through our 'High Touch' and 'Open Minds, Open Doors' play programmes, we:
Build social emotional competencies, 21st century skills, social participation, and positive relationships in children through playful, creative engagements
Enhance capabilities of teachers, social service practitioners, parents, and volunteers through training and capability building opportunities​ (e.g. community of practice, coaching) to equip them with practical knowledge and tools
We uplift play-based capability development and pedagogical learning.
Cultivating school and community cultures that value and support learning through play and inclusion is now more important than ever. Through our work with educators, school leaders, community and cultural workers, we shift mindsets and practices to better nurture learners of diverse abilities in a rapidly changing world.
Our Playful Partners

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