Professional Development
Play is central to children's development and they learn best through play. Cultivating school and community cultures that value and support learning through play is now more important than ever. Our training courses and workshops share pedagogies and practices of play we use that make a difference in children's learning and growth.
We also provide volunteer training for professionals and corporate staff who participate in programmes with children.
For enquiry, please get in touch with us at share@playeum.com.
(Registration for 2025 opens soon!)
In partnership with the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), we offer online training courses to support early childhood educators with the knowledge and skills to become effective facilitators in the classroom.
Educators will earn CPD hours upon successfully completing the courses. Course fee subsidies from SSG and ECDA are available, subject to eligibility. The first course run in 2025 starts in April. ECDA-certified educators can register directly on the ONE@ECDA portal.
Online Synchronous Course
Learning Through Play: Building Competence and Skills of NEW Early Childhood Educators in Facilitating Play
Course Code: CPABCSN17E
A 16-hour course that provides insights into children’s development through play, and learn basic strategies to design and implement a play environment for children to build 21st century skills. Attention is given to Early Childhood Pedagogical Practice and Learning Environment Design. The course is delivered by play and creativity specialist Dr Esther Joosa (PhD).
Online Synchronous Course
Learning Through Play: Building Competence and Skills of EXPERIENCED Early Childhood Educators in Facilitating Play
Course Code: CPABCSE17E
A 16-hour course that provides strategies on how to provide playful and engaging learning experiences for children to build 21st century skills and develop reflective teaching practices in the classroom. Attention is given to Early Childhood Pedagogical Practice and Reflective Practice for Educators. The course is delivered by play and creativity specialist Dr Esther Joosa (PhD).
These workshops empower educators and educarers to embrace play as a powerful tool for learning, fostering engagement, curiosity, and a sense of belonging in the classroom. Through experiential activities, participants will explore play-based strategies, design principles, and environmental influences that enhance professional experience, child development, and curriculum goals.
For Primary School Educators
Designing a Playful Curriculum
This series of workshops enable educators to identify their play personalities and understand how play personalities influence engagement and foster a sense of belonging in the classroom. Educators will explore in an experiential way how they can design lesson plans that integrate play-based strategies to enhance critical and inventive thinking.
The workshops are designed for educators to experience play and the affordances it offers. They will also be introduced to 3 design principles for playful classroom practices that can promote curiosity and joy alongside the achievement of curriculum goals.
Themes that can be covered
Play Personalities
Playful Check-ins
Embodied Learning through Playful Movement
Introducing Open-ended Curriculum Exploration through Loose Parts Play
Inventive Hacking of Games with Rules
Duration and Pax
Opt for a full-day workshop or offer your staff a series of 3 half-day workshops for a minimum of 30 and up to 100 educators.
For Preschool Educators
Self and Space as Tools for Playful Learning
This experiential learning workshop is designed for preschool educators to learn how to play again. In order to explore playfulness as a learning disposition that can engage children more meaningfully, educators will be invited to observe children at play. They will also be introduced to various ways to design a learning environment that supports free play and exploration.
Themes that can be covered
Play Personalities
Observing Free Play
Designing play spaces
Duration and Pax
This half-day workshop caters to a minimum of 25 educators and maximum of 30 educators.
For Infant Educarers
Self and Space as Tools for Playful Learning
This is a 2-part immersive professional development workshop that invites educarers to immersive play experiences that will inspire them to use themselves as tools for learning and to design spaces of free play for infants. They will also understand the value of their interactions with infants and how that can be enhanced through playful approaches to routine care.
The desired outcome of this workshop includes instilling in the educarers confidence to execute meaningful play experiences with infants as well as to participate in self-reflection and group reflections about their childcare
Themes that can be covered
Play Personalities
Play and Brain Building Routine Care
Designing Free Play
Duration and Pax
This 1.5-day workshop caters to a maximum of 30 teachers.
We also offer customisable learning experiences tailored to the needs of your school and educators.
For inquiries, please contact us at share@playeum.com.
Partners who have joined us to PLAY!
Anderson Primary School
Association for Early Childhood Educators (Singapore)
Bedok Green Primary School
Bukit View Primary School
Clementi Primary School
E-Bridge Preschool Headquarters
E-Bridge Preschool @ Bukit Batok West
E-Bridge Preschool @ Montreal Link
E-Bridge Preschool @ Sumang Lane
Ednovation Group
Evergreen Primary School
Jurong Primary School
KidSTART Singapore
Lianhua Primary School
MOE Cluster West4 (Principals & Vice-Principals)
MOE Kindergarten @ Naval Base
Naval Base Primary School
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
North View Primary School
Princess Elizabeth Primary School
Raffles Girls’ Primary School
Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Sembawang Sunbreeze
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Sports Lab (now Sports Schooling)
St James Church Kindergarten
West View Primary School
White Sands Primary School
Woodlands Primary School
Yangzheng Primary School